
Who creates Doodles?

You can also design Doodles

Doodles are the fun, surprising, and sometimes spontaneous changes that are made to the Google logo to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and the lives of famous artists, pioneers, and scientists.

Doodle idea


In 1998, before Google was even incorporated as a company, the concept of the doodle was born when Google founders Larry and Sergey played with the corporate logo.

While the first doodle was relatively simple, the idea of decorating the company logo to celebrate notable events was born.

In the beginning, the doodles mostly celebrated familiar holidays; nowadays, they highlight a wide array of events and anniversaries.

Over time, the demand for doodles has risen internationally. Creating doodles is now the responsibility of a team of talented illustrators (called doodlers) and engineers.

For them, creating doodles has become a group effort to enliven the Google homepage and bring smiles to the faces of Google users around the world.

How many doodles

The team has created over 2000 doodles for Google homepages around the world.

Who chooses doodles

A group of Googlers get together regularly to brainstorm and decide which events will be celebrated with a doodle.

The ideas for the doodles come from numerous sources including Googlers and Google users.

The doodle selection process aims to celebrate interesting events and anniversaries that reflect Google’s personality and love for innovation.

Submit ideas

The doodle team is always excited to hear ideas from users, so you can email with ideas for the next Google doodle.

More than a bystander. Chocolate soldier. Pineapple lover. Loves music & movies. Curious about news & trends.