Let your children live their dream and not fears

Let our children dream

Raisina Hill Leading India Podcasts on Lifesstyle
Let our children dream

Children travel to coaching classes to achieve academic glory. But, not everyone can make it to ‘prestigious’ universities. 

There are children who cannot solve Trigonometry problems. Does this make them dumb?

If a child does not find interest in human anatomy, it is alright. 

Hear this podcast to learn how you can rescue your children, realizing that children are not business ventures.

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Podcast Script and Voice: Divya Dixit, Content Edit: Abhishek Gupta, Audio Edit: Ranadeep Ghosh, Podcast Sponsor: Mind & Body Wellness Clinic, Voice Credit: Ranadeep Ghosh.

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Likes to follow political happenings in India & across the world. Cares for women & children. Concerned about poverty across the continents.