Tribute to my boss on Women’s Day

Geetanjali Kaul, CEO & Creative Director G Caffe

From the place I come from – a small town in West Bengal, I have seen most women managing only their households, until I came to study in Delhi.

Managing a house is a key work associated with women but I am amazed to find a different womanhood at my workplace – G Caffe, a creative agency.

Care and love I have experienced best while working under Geetanjali Kaul, Creative Director and CEO of G Caffe.

When a woman heads a company, I realize, a positive environment is created at the workplace, and G Caffe is a leading example.

Geetanjali Kaul’s personal attention to each and everything at G Caffe makes our Creative Agency very ‘creative’ in both letter and spirit.

As Creative Agency, our work is focused on branding and marketing which two aspects have ample saga of name and fame earned by deceit and misuse of power.

However, the woman in command at G Caffe believes in branding honest good people and their works and that too in genuine manner.

Proud to be working at a company headed by a woman! 

Works with great minds who have good hearts.

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