#2Words: Help Me

Anoushka Shankar

Do we use these two words – Help Me – often? Let me put it this way – Do we approach our own circles for assistance, be it friends or family, saying – Help Me!

Won’t people around us judge and maybe laugh it off.  Some may even call us weak and timid as it is a show of strength to deal with life on our own terms.

What to do when you probably know something is wrong in your life, but feel as though you need advice or direction to put you at ease?

Do you think there is hope that your problem can be solved? If this is the situation that you are in, why not approach someone, saying, “Help Me”?

We are born innocent and raw. We learn, adapt and grow with whatever we get in life. We become strong and learn to handle grave situations with pain and sometimes with ease.

At the same time, we collapse, we crash, and we learn to cope with trauma. That’s a cycle in life that goes on and on and we travel the road with sunrises and sunsets.

You see when we ask for help we are so badly judged that we prefer doing things ourselves. Something as small as organizing a luncheon at home, without taking any help from anyone, or delegating tasks and taking help from everyone is a decision which each makes on his own.

Let’s understand this situation – A middle aged man who used to be an alcoholic left drinking and was going smooth when suddenly he lost his father and dipped into alcohol again. He picked up the bottle and started, when suddenly he started to ask for help. His Facebook status said, “Help Me!!! I don’t want to drink.”

Well, that was very bold of him. Some made fun no doubt, but still there were many who helped him. And yes, he did leave the bottle.

In another instance, a young girl from a happy household asked her mom, “I need a therapy Mom, I need help.” When you hear such thing, you feel, oh what have we not done that the kid is not happy?

As parents everyone feels that they do their best for the kids, but, still they are asking for HELP!

Well, listen to them. They want to be heard. They need help.

If someone is crying out loud for help, please do in whatever manner you can. Times are tough for everyone, be it the rich or the poor, the educated or the uneducated.

When you yourself have hit some sort of a crisis point in your life and don’t know how to deal with your situation, seek help. Say ‘Help Me’.

G Caffe Founder & CEO. She says, "I fall in love with all that I see and always believe in giving the benefit of doubt."

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