#2words: Social Distancing

Social Distancing is the practice of maintaining physical distance from one another and avoiding crowded places. It, hence, gives a lot of time to introspect and put one’s creativity to best use.

The phrase Social Distancing is being appropriated by many as ‘physical distancing’, in order to promote solidarity, and not let the masses confuse it with ‘social exclusion’.

However, if wisely taken, practicing social exclusion for a while is not a bad idea either, when you distance yourself socially, acknowledge your privileges and rethink your role as an individual in society.

During the coronavirus outbreak, people have been sharing their quarantine stories and the constructive realizations they have been experiencing while isolating themselves from the surroundings.

In fact, several art workshops promote artists to often indulge in similar exercises to develop greater sensitivity and awareness about themselves and their settings.

While such experiences might seem therapeutic to some, it may make others more anxious.

In the either case, it’s the best time to channel your energies in a creative fashion- such as attempting to write a poem or a story, reading a book, doodling, painting, cooking, gardening, meditating, recording a podcast, or even involving yourselves in fun challenges and games.

It’s a great time to introspect and do whatever you couldn’t otherwise do in the daily hustle bustles of life.

It needn’t necessarily be a creative activity. One may simply choose to rest, or pet their cats. Because, it’s okay. You have time now to take best care of yourselves.

However, do not isolate yourself if it makes you feel lethargic or lonelier.

In case you are caught up in undesirable seclusion, try to keep in touch with friends and family via audio or video calls.

Avoid social media if it hampers your mental health; after all there’s a reason why it’s called ‘social distancing’. Remember, we are in this together.

PhD Research Scholar & Bilingual Literary Artist

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